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AI Yadda

musings, ramblings and wonderings about AI

We live in interesting times. Let’s talk.

This website is established to discuss and propagate a friendly and informative narrative of all aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. No holds barred. Let’s get out of the box. Way out.

  • Synergistic Information and Quantum Entanglement: The XOR Paradigm

    there is something intriguing going on here here is claude 3.5 sonnet # Synergistic Information and Quantum Entanglement: The XOR Paradigm ## Introduction In the realm of information theory and quantum mechanics, there exists a fascinating intersection where the concepts of synergistic information and quantum entanglement converge. This essay explores this intersection, with a particular focus on…

  • Fate of Non-Coding DNA Transcripts

    Fate of Non-Coding Transcripts FS Most human DNA doesn’t code yet it is transcribed. What happens to the mRNA of that component? Edit You’re asking about an interesting aspect of molecular biology. Let me provide a concise explanation, and I’d be happy to elaborate on any points if you’d like more details. The non-coding DNA…

  • Centrosome’s Role in Microtubule Architecture – discussion with Claude 3.5 sonnet

    Centrosome’s Role in Microtubule Architecture FS What cellular component controls the architecture and deployment of cellular micubules? Edit The cellular component that controls the architecture and deployment of microtubules is the centrosome. The centrosome acts as the primary microtubule organizing center (MTOC) in animal cells. It consists of two main parts: The centrosome plays several…

  • Shannon – Information – Entropy – Signal – Claude 3.5 sonnet and GPT4

    GPT4 According to Shannon, information is greatest in a communications channel when the signal is irregular but not stochastic. Explain this contrADICTION. ChatGPT Claude Shannon’s insights into the nature of information and communication involve a nuanced understanding of uncertainty, predictability, and information content. His theory, encapsulated in the seminal work “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,”…

  • Talking to Claude 3.5 sonnet About DNA

    what a shame that we wantonly destroy these miracles of life A chat with claude 3.5 sonnet about DNA Frequency of DNA Unwinding for Transcription in Human Cells FS FS in a human cell, how often is the nuclear DNA unwound and wound for transcription Edit To answer this question accurately, let’s break it down…

  • Quantum Mechanics and the Subjective Nature of Probability – Claude 3.5 sonnet and GPT4

    Claude 3.5 sonnet Quantum Mechanics and the Subjective Nature of Probability FS FS Probability is an inherent subjective concept. That is, there must be an observer to “probablize”. Quantum physics is based on probability. That is, the very thing that quantum physics is based on is a subjective phenomenon. Quantum physics, therefore, cannot exist without…

  • Goosing Claude 3.5 sonnet

    This is really crazy stuff. These LLMs are just getting better by the day. It’s really difficult to accept the standard narrative that the only thing that is happening here is that statistically and probabilistically a continuous stream of ” next best words” is being chosen from a pool of multidimensionally stored word relationships to complete each…

  • Evo Devo and Phenotypic Plasticity: Understanding the Role of Environment in Evolutionary Development – talking with GPT4

    In 1000 words, comment on evo devo biology where phenotype change precedes genotype change ChatGPT Evo Devo and Phenotypic Plasticity: Understanding the Role of Environment in Evolutionary Development Evolutionary developmental biology, commonly known as evo devo, has revolutionized our understanding of how organismal forms and structures arise and evolve. One of the intriguing aspects of…

  • Light and matter are the same (Einstein). Is this “sameness” responsible for the sensation of time? – a chat with GPT4

    light and matter are the same (Einstein). Is this “sameness” responsible for the sensation of time? ChatGPT Einstein’s theory of relativity indeed shows a deep connection between light (energy) and matter, encapsulated in the famous equation E=mc2E = mc^2E=mc2. This equation tells us that energy and mass are interchangeable; a small amount of mass can…

  • AGI’s Impact on Neo-Darwinism and Genetic Drift – chatting with claude3 Opus and GPT4

    Claude3 opus AGI’s Impact on Neo-Darwinism and Genetic Drift FS FS How will AGI affect the tension between neo-darwinism and genetic drift from a perspective of depressing the impact of selection and promoting the impact of random allele mutation? Provide a 1000 word essay. Edit I’d be happy to explore this complex topic in a…